Freedom isn't free...
He's a long way from the Scilly Isles now! CF deputy Chairman and YBF operator Christian May was yesterday awarded the Freedom of the City of London. Entitled now to herd his goats across London Bridge and be put in a taxi by an officer of the law if he is caught drunk in town amongst other things, Mr May looks rather pleased with himself:
I thought it was sheep.
why the hell did he get this whats he done to deserve it?
From wikipedia:
In England, the most extensive borough freedom is that conferred by the Freedom of the City of London, first recorded in 1237. This is closely tied to the role and status of the Livery Companies. From 1835 the Freedom "without the intervention of a Livery Company" has been bestowed by a general resolution of Common Council, by 'redemption' (purchase), at one time an onerous sum but now a donation to the Freemen's School.
New Freemen are enrolled in an impressive little ceremony in Guildhall, when they receive a guide to conducting their lives in an honourable fashion and an impressive sealed certificate. Freemen's children get admission preference at the City of London School, the City of London School for Girls, and the City of London Freemen's School. There are a number of rights traditionally but apocryphally associated with Freemen - the right to drive sheep and cattle over London Bridge; to a silken rope, if hanged: to carry a naked sword in public; or that if the City of London Police find a freeman drunk and incapable, they will bundle him into a taxi and send him home rather than throw him in a cell.
The tradition belief that freemen have droving rights over the bridges appears to be a misinterpretation of freemen's historic freedom from bridge tolls when bringing animals into the City for sale[2] Nevertheless, this "invented" right has been exercised periodically in modern times:
On June 17, 2006 a flock of about thirty sheep was driven across the Millennium Bridge to mark the start of London Architecture Week[3].
On August 31, 2008 Amanda Cottrell, a former High Sheriff of the City, marched six rams across London Bridge to promote fundraising for the restoration of Canterbury Cathedral and "a scheme backing local food production" [4]
On September 17, 2008 the Lord Mayor and some 500 Freemen drove a flock of Romney ewes in relay across the bridge to raise funds for the Lord Mayor's charities (Orbis and Wellbeing of Women).[5]
Today the Freedom of the City of London is still taken up by some 1,800 people every year. Prior to 1996, the Freedom was only open to British or Commonwealth Citizens over 21 years of age and of good character. Now, however, it has been extended globally, and persons of any nationality may apply either by nomination, by patrimony or by being presented by a Livery Company. There is a long-standing tradition of admitting women, who used to be called 'free sisters'.
Although the Freedom is not an honour except in the case of Honorary Freedom, many people who have lived or worked in the City are proud to become part of the City's history by becoming Freemen. The Freedom is open to all who are genuinely interested and meet the criteria set down.
so he bought it then?
How much was it Christian?
You don't deserve it, so you must've paid for it. What a slimy cad.
Let's hope people like this done reach the dizzy heights of Parliamentarian. This is the real menace.