Exclusive: Let the games begin.
TB has often said that Conservative Future needs to become more political. 15,000 members is a big chunk of the party and yet internal political debate is virtually non-existent at the moment. Moves such as CF backing No2ID were a good start and now TB understands that the new CF website will play a big part in trying to spark some debate amongst the membership.
As far as TB can tell, an article will be run tomorrow from Chairman Michael Rock that attacks the BNP as a left-wing statist organisation and not right wing as they are incorrectly labelled. Far from the right-wing libertarian streak that currently dominates the ruling factions of the organisation.
TB is not suggesting we head back to the pitched battles of the FCS but a little more political debate can only be a good thing.
Hear hear, too true.
Absolutely true about the BNP being left wing. The Labour Party hate to admit that the BNP have nowt in common with the Tories, and in fact have far more socialist tendencies than Lab or Lib Dem. If too many people got to find out the truth Labour would haemorrhage even more votes to the BNP.
I have been suggesting that CF should become an organisation where more political debate takes place since back before you were even a twinkle in daddy bear's eye...
My research tells me that there are still a few idiots in the organisation who might disgrace themselves is they are allowed to discuss politics freely. Still one or two “shits” that need chucking out quite frankly. The vast majority of members however hold moderate political opinions and some kind of forum where they can be expressed once in a while would be no bad thing in my assessment.