The curious case of Carla Jones...
A few weeks ago TB got a Facebook friend request from someone he had never heard of, this isn't unusual as most of his readers that add him are people he has never met. However the fact that Miss Carla Jones had no photos, no interests other than than Party related groups and was only friends with a plethora of tory PPCs led this bear to be rather suspicious. Other members raised their concerns about this mysterious woman who no one had heard of yet was adding everyone. Well to cut a long story short, this morning the CCHQ press office had a tip off that Carla Jones was in fact a not so elaborate ploy to sniff out dirt on tories from their Facebook profiles. Who was behind all this? Well the Daily Mirror of course.
Luckily it seems most people now have rather sensibly updated their security settings and think twice now about what they post on Facebook for the world to see. Not long ago the Mirror attempted to infiltrate CCHQ but got busted with IP addresses being traced and it seems their underhanded tactics have back fired once again.
The whole affair smacks of desperation.

Was the hack's name actually Carla Jones and if not, do we know which journo was behind it?
Not a clue Declan. I doubt it's her real name, but no idea who 'she' really is!
p.s., can i 'justifiably call her a moron' pleeease??!
Imagine someone gathering dirt on Conservatives from their Facebook profiles and then using it as a story...
The cheek of it.
lucky CF members are well prepared for this sort of thing now.
a valuable lesson learnt.
lucky CF members are well prepared for this sort of thing now.
a valuable lesson learnt.
And yet Tory Bear is still her friend on Facebook...
Just waiting to see what happens...
Hee hee - well TB how about getting our own Tory Spy in the Mirror camp...they'll be too busy trying to scoop the dirt on the Tories to notice and that was tabs can be kept on whoever it needs to be in the Mirror. ;-)
Just a thought...
we knew this weeks ago as london spin reported it after the london cf launch
tb- can't believe kash beat you to it AGAIN!
And who is Patrick Durward ????
He claims to be a lawyer living in Clapham, but other than that, he is become "friends" with a lot of people, yet he has no photo either.
'Til he comes out of the woodwork, he is a "friend" but a heavily restricted friend.
As they say, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
Maybe we should tell Carla Jones a few porkies so she can publish some nonsense !!! And have a laugh at her expense !
Suggest that you look at recess monkey - seems that you were all wrong about this.