Tory 2.0
is today offering a ringtone of the moment that Gordon claimed to have saved the world. It's good to see the tories, once again, leading the way with online/modern methods. Granted phones have been able to do this for years but haven't seen anything like this out of any of the other parties.Check it out here
or text "1346924" to +447797806195 to get "Gordon Brown "saves the world"" TB would be interested to see how popular this ends up being.
This was a bad move by CCHQ in my humble opinion.
If they wanted to do a web 2.0 campaign they should have done one with the Damian Green issue - it was prime for it.
This campaign, however, risks being seen as nasty and picking on Gordon Brown, despite all his faults. Attack him on substance not making a slip-up that the public would happily forgive. Look at what happened to the BBC over John Sargeant when a group of people started laughing at him for his screw ups. Not the same thing, of course, but could be spun quite easily by the Labour machine to be:
"Gordon Brown is working overtime to help hard working families through these tough times and all the Tories can do is nothing but laugh and play with ringtones."
The Conservative response should have stayed in the chamber and CCHQ may regret trying to make political capital out of this.
Agree 100%. At a tome when quite a few people are feeling the economic pinch, its nice to know a couple of whizzkids (who we are told are to busy to get a decent CF website sorted) have found the time to piss about with mobile phone ringtones.
The ringtone is shit anyway...