Imitation is the highest form of flattery...
Having posted the previous story about Foulkes, TB decided to google the Rectorial candidate and found his newly
launched website
, complete with video:Watching various students be asked questions about something they should know the answer to, such as what does their Rector do, TB was sure he had seen the excellent concept used very effectively before. He just couldn't think where... and then it came to him. In the last lot of Edinburgh University student elections a certain Tory
caused a bit of upset by suggesting no one knew what the union was, or what they did:Once again Labour shamelessly ripping off the Tories. But the plot thickens...
The Foulkes campaign is being run by the university's Labour club and the site is
to one Matt McPherson. Lets have a look at Mr McPherson's Facebook page:

declaration of interests
. Is McPherson being paid to be his researcher, or paid to run Foulkes's campaign? He is a first year student and therefore can't exactly be a full time assistant, so what exactly is McPherson doing other than securing Foulke's legacy?Foulkes is standing down from Holyrood at the next election after a very long parliamentary career and what a greater position to retire into than the esteemed role of Rector of Edinburgh University, in the path of some of the country's best politicians and err Gordon Brown. Worth paying a young hack to make it happen?
TB wouldn't put it past him.

It's a joke. Anyone notice that a former EUSA staffer is now his main staffer? Ms Dugdale stepforward.
Hello Tory Bear,
I work for George Foulkes and am also Matthew's line manager. Matthew was a full time member of George's team from February till September dealing with a variety of research and casework projects.
He returned to University in September and now works for George on a Wednesday from 10am to 5.30pm as he has no classes that day.
Wednesday's are one of our busiest days in Parliament. The whole team's efforts are focused on George's Parliamentary work and the substantial amount of serious and complicated casework we undertake.
Any suggestion that Matthew is employed to run George's rectorial campaign is deeply misguided and utterly false.
Both I and Matthew are working on George's campaign in our spare time and at weekends. Please resist from make such accusatory remarks in the future without any substance.
Best wishes,
Kez Dugdale
(Yes - former EUSA staff member and graduate of Edinburgh University)