In simple English...
OK then... so it seems that the NME have voted to keep themselves in the job until 2010 potentially. While this may seem like an extreme step, it must be considered that the last NME ran for over 18 months and if there is an election in May, this regime would still serve for less time.
However there is a very real possibility that the next General Election will not be in 2009, but in May 2010, making the current NME have control for over 2 years. As far as Tory Bear can tell the executive voted on this course of action 5 to 1.
To be fair to the NME they weren't exactly presented with many options, it was either this or subscribe to a ridiculous electoral college system of branch chairman and their mates electing the national chair. The NME have saved CF democracy for the time being but TB understands that they were told the party wasn't going to fund another CF election before the General. In order to keep one-member-one-vote, the reforms would have to be kicked into the long grass. As far as TB can tell some members of the NME were not aware that the current statement put out by the CF press machine would be quite so extreme. It now seems to TB that the reforms have been snuck in through the back door.
While TB wouldn't question for a second the idea that CF should be ready for the General Election at any moment, Conservative Future has to be an organisation with everyone on board, and this sentiment is particularly vital with it's elected leaders. The current NME have had their fair share of problems, seen resignations, bitching and briefing against each other. Are we ready for anthor two years of this? Apparently these moves are in the best interest of the organisation, but will the membership really buy this stance?
To TB this doesn't look like a press release that has been drawn up over night but something that has been prepared and ready to go for some time...
I'm hearing that Richard Jackson has been spotted near the Reichstag with lighter fuel and a book of matches......
it's a bloody mess and scandal. rock will now be the chairman for 2and a half years if the election is in 2010. he can't seek re-election like bristow did as he's too old to stand again. if members have to be aged 30 or under to join then why are we being lead by a inept middle aged man who will be 31 next oct 2009? by then he'll have to resign and may will no doubt take over.
rock-may reforms 1
a democratic cf 0