Birmingham University CF endorses McCain
Seems another
campus branch
has endorsed the McCain/Palin ticket.
In a similar vote to Edinburgh University last week, the branch executive of Birmingham University Conservative Future are throwing their support behind not what is trendy and cool but what is the best for America and the world.
The Young Conservative
- competition is healthy. In a way... still no link to though - rather petty no?
Surely petty, not petite...unless they are quite small and possibly feminine?
Why are you surprised? TYC is just an excuse for Scary Mr Ed to roam about the country with Fat Pat in their combined desire to be seen as leaders of the movement. Their university tours are attended by a handful of students. And TYC has no comments. Ever.
They are
the one on the far left is my favourite. he looks like a riot.
Plenty of paedosmiles..
Oh god how I hate that blog - i'd rather read LabourHome.