An unexpected surprise...

Eric Forth was one of the true characters of British politics. A House of Commons man to his core, Eric not only knew parliamentary procedure inside out but he knew how – and when- to use the rules to maximum advantage. Eric was a committed Thatcherite and an admirer of Ronald Reagan. As Chairman of Conservative Way Forward and an advisor and friend of The Young Britons’ Foundation, Eric championed limited government, traditional values, freedom and the Trans-Atlantic Special Relationship. A man of principle, determination and courage, Eric Forth knew how important it was to be an effective activist and advocate for radical change. On Eric’s premature death in 2006, The Young Britons’ Foundation inaugurated an annual award to be given to the young conservative activist whose attitude, ethos and effectiveness best mirrors the values, beliefs and achievements of Eric – The Eric Forth Award for Activism.
TB is up against some very tough compitition but is very grateful to have even been nominated!
Here is the full list of nominees:
James Morton, for his excellent work in revitalising Conservative Future across Devon and Cornwall. James has shown great innovation in terms of fundraising and the number of new branches in the region is testament to his hard work, and that of his committee. Devon and Cornwall CF are also hosting a charity fireworks night in aid of Help for Heroes – an excellent example of activism.
Oliver Cooper, for his passionate defence of libertarian principles. Since returning from YBF’s US trip this Summer Oli has founded Students for Freedom and is planning a series of events to promote and defend libertarian ideals.
XXXXX XXXX, for he is none other than the infamous Tory Bear – purveyor of rumour gossip and intrigue, and defender of the sense of humour.
Ed Hallam and Tarasyn Whitehead-Patey, for their superb blog TheYoungConservative. Inspired by the time with YBF in the United States this Summer, Ed and Tarry have launched a blog aimed at bringing together and promoting all aspects of the young conservative movement.
Sonia Chohan, for her exemplary work as a CF Area Chairman. Who could forget such stunts as nominating Brown for a Guinness World Record as ‘worst Rogue Trader’ for selling our gold reserves at an all time low?
Matthew Richardson, in recognition of his past achievements as CF National Campaigns Director. During his time on the Exec , Matt oversaw an excellent record of national campaigns.
Liza Chantelle, for her inspirational work in social action. Liza’s energy and enthusiasm are to be commended.
Peter Cuthbertson, for his excellent work in promoting the Special Relationship between the UK and the US through
Mark Wallace and Matt Sinclair for their superb work at the TaxPayers’ Aliiance. The TPA is now the first place the media go when they want to talk about tax and government waste, and Mark and Matt have been instrumental in the organisation’s growth and success.
Some very worthy people up for this award and some intresting nominations.
Front Runners must be Sonia, Matt and Mr Bear.
Sonia is close on the best AC in the country.
Matt built CFs Campaigning up from nothing and left with a great springboard for CF to build on.
Tory Bear has made CF that little more intresting and stuck a few people that needed it, back in their place.
The majority of the others are also very worthy.
Surely any surprise would be unexpected.
Annual award...hasn't the young conservative just been launched? Surely would be a better nominee next year where there is proof of success??
The nominations are designed to recognise not just track records, but innovation as well.
There has been no shortage of ‘innovation’ in CF this year.
Wallace has produced a staggering amount of broadcast & print TPA coverage this year. TB is a close second.
They blew your cover.
a shame that every person on that list is based in london or greater london.
only tb who is at edinburgh uni but lives in the south and james morton are on the other side of the m25.
what's going on guys?
Tarasyn's from Exeter.