The last word on the Osborne donation saga...

Donal Blaney
who has scalped
Raf Sanchez the editor of York University's left wing campus rag "Nouse" over the illegal donation
scandal to the Obama campaign.What TB found interesting was the Labour PPC's (whose idea the fundraiser was,) response:
"In a joint statement Hazelgrove and Sanchez said: “As far as we know it is not a crime to have a bad idea and then not act on it in either this country or the United States. No money was exchanged and none will be. Nor did we solicit, it was just an idea we decided against.”
Hazelgrove remains a parliamentary candidate. At the time of going to print, Sanchez is understood to be preparing to resign from his editorial post."
"As far as we know it is not a crime to have a bad idea and then not act on it." For all the stink that Labour kicked up over the Osborne donation nonstory, it's nice to know that the Labour grassroots are on the Shadow Chancellors side and agree with his defence.The nouse is tightening on Hazelgrove...
haha sorry TB couldn't resist that last line
I think the "editor resigning" bit was a joke on their part, laughing at the idea that anyone would resign over this triviality.
L is for labour, L is for Lice.