BoJo has this afternoon
endorsed Obama
"Mr Johnson said an Obama win could boost the self-image of young black Londoners. In an interview for the August edition of Square Mile magazine, he said: "John McCain has many, many wonderful qualities, but I think a Barack Obama victory would do fantastic things for the confidence and the feelings of black people around the world." Asked whether his words constituted an endorsement, he replied: "Yes"
If TB were John McCain he'd be pretty pissed - after coming to Bournemouth of all places to talk to an empty hall while everyone was trying to get their passes, the least we can do is support the old codger...
ObamaCon is an oxymoron.
When will people realise despite the glossy campaign he is a socialist?
Your wrong TB!
And the above tells us why Tory Bear is the better blog, TBG bugger off to the lib dems.
Obama's the most left wing member of the senate, his voting record is for more government and higher taxes. He aint conservative, geddit?!
TB, do one of those pictures for TBG, but where there's hope, put Dope.
The guy is not even a remotely credible candidate unless the left-wing media is around to pretend he is.
And I mean... You're (not your) wrong TB! Sad, but I have to correct my hangover posts...
When will you realise McCant is a socially illiberal republican?