Monday, 7 July 2008

Murder on the dancefloor...

Grumpy today aren't you!?

For the record I have no personal vendetta against either Patrick Sullivan or Anastasia Beaumont-Bott. So please stop emailing TB asking what my problem is.

And as for those of you who got in touch to suggest that there was some sort of rift between those said members of the NME, well hate to break it to you but TB has from good sources that this is bullshit.

Further evidence of these two getting on was emailed to me last week, think now would be an appropriate time to put it up:

If that doesn't cheer you up I don't know what will... hot moves.


Anonymous said...

HAHA love the little hand action Patrick does 13 seconds in.


Anonymous said...

Lovin' the balloon interlude.j

Paul Seery said...


I think this happened before she grassed him in to the association for staying in bed too late in the mornings.

I remember the fall-out, he paid £500 of his own money to send her to Crewe and I guess it bought him a dance.


Anonymous said...

haha never one to mince words Mr Seery.. love it.

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