Monday, 5 April 2010

Tatchell's Dangerous Mud-Slinging

As ever mouthy Peter Tatchell is quick to bash the Tories in the Guardian's
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today. He once again puppets the line about how damaging the Tories allies are in Europe. As is so often the case with the left though, they fail to check their own house is in order before going on the attack. Perhaps Peter should speak out against Leopolds Ozoliņš, an MP for the Latvian Green Party - united under the
European Green Party
along with Tatchell.

Leopolds Ozoliņš is
on the record
using all of the following quotes when talking about homosexuality:
  • ‘perverse cult’
  • ‘recta operators’
  • ‘ass-fuckers’
  • ‘homosexuality is a very nasty mental disorder’
  • ‘homosexuality promotes peadophilia and spread of HIV and hepatitis C’
  • ‘homosexuality is perverse, degenerating and human health mutilating lifestyle’

Anything to say about that Peter?

As TB has said before, both the Greens and Labour need to think twice before they attack the Tories for their European allies.

Of course there is an easy solution to all this...


Grumpy old man said...

"peadophilia" is that an inordinate desire for the love of peas?


Tatchell wants to be careful what he says. He is, factually, in favour of paedophilia, so does that make him a paedophile?

Before you bleat about libel he is on record as saying he demands that the age of consent for buggery be dropped to 14.

Anonymous said...

First of all he called for the age of consent to be lowered for everyone, based on the fact the a significant majority of youngsters take part in sexual activity and are thus viewed as criminals under the law. Rightly or wrongly he stated the law should be changed to reflect that.

Secondly that isn't the issue Houdini. And Tory Bear you should know better than to make an argument based on "they're doing it too".

Tatchell can't choose who is in the European Green Party as he joined an already established grouping over which he exerts little influence. The Conservatives on the other hand openly invited these people into a new grouping full well knowing their SS supporting, homophobic and racist policies. Given that it is your party that has overall control, I'd say the two scenarios are entirely different?


Secondly that isn't the issue Houdini

Yes it is for someone who likes to pontificate.

Excuses excuses excuses.

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