Snapper in Hot Water
It's sometimes hard to forget that the SNP are a nothing but a jumped up pressure group, labouring under the illusion of a "government". It all comes crashing down when their political naivety is so obviously exposed. The Telegraph
:Alex Salmond’s number two wrote a letter of support for Abdul Rauf prior to him being sentenced for defrauding £80,000 from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).The word "resign" comes to mind.
She referred to Rauf’s crimes, which include a previous conviction for stealing £60,000, as “mistakes” and appealed to the court to “consider alternatives to a custodial sentence”.
Donald Findlay QC, defending, said it was the first time in his lengthy legal career he had handed over to the court a letter from someone of such importance.
Sheriff Alan MacKenzie said he was still minded to send Rauf, 59, to prison but promised to take into account Miss Sturgeon’s protests before he reached a decision.
Miss Sturgeon, the Glasgow Govan MSP, admitted she knew about the fraudster’s criminal record, but claimed she was duty bound to represent her constituent.
But opposition MSPs said they were aghast at her lack of judgement and challenged her to make a parliamentary statement explaining why she was lobbying on behalf of known criminals.
fuck off
My my... not only does David Cameron bash the SNP, but TB is doing it too! It must be anti-independence day at CCHQ. Guido must have missed the memo.
Anyway....Surely you should support this "jumped up pressure group" after all, if Scotland were an independent country, Labour would be confined to electoral wastelands for some time to come. Something I think we would both like to see.
The Moose.
I put the interests of this country above party politics my moosey friend.
@ Politics Moose
"It must be anti-independence day at CCHQ."
Hate to break it to you, old boy, but your secessionist aspirations aren't top priority at CCHQ. You're just another socialist party like Labour.
True, you're "nationalists" as you call yourselves, but whilst support for carving out a personal fiefdom garners a mighty 20% North of the Border, in practical terms it's totally irrelevant and your socialism is all that matters policy-wise.
Moose, every day is anti-independence day at CCHQ you fool it's the Conservative & Unionist party!
Unlike you, I find it acceptable to refer to the SNP as a party and would place it on the centre left although like the Lib Dems it is inclined to sell a different message in different areas so its red in Clydeside and pale blue in Perthshire.
I can only presume that the accused person may have been the successful bidder in the auction for lunch at Holyrood with Nicola S in the sum of £2,000. But if he wanted Alex Salmond, he would have had to have paid £9,000.00
@Richard Manns,
I suppose I should make a jibe about CCHQ top priority being poster-making, but its been done to death and anything Gordon Brown's already used is cursed.
If the Parliament is as close as the polls are suggesting, every seat that Labour can cling onto up north will be relevant for the final make up of the parliament.
Every day is anti-independence day? Seems some of the candidates missed the memo too!
Anyway chaps, I see that this whole shambles has put the fact that Alec is trying to slip the independence bill in through the back door off the front pages.
Your chum,
The Moose.
Dearest Naughty Nicola,
I think the SNP Administration is a 'mistake' in those terms.
Can we expect you to cover the apology now Mr Bear?