Friday, 11 December 2009


TB can't embed the video due to the luddites at the BBC trying to sell embedding rights, however
check out
Brown's presser with Sarkozy this morning. Look at when conversation turned to how Darling didn't fall out with Brown in the run up to the PBR and Brown definitely, DEFINITELY, did not overrule his Chancellor or interfere with the report (stop laughing at the back.) Brown talks about his "deficit reduction plan" - what does Sarko do? Well he cracks up and starts smirking and laughing, catching the eye of the odd journalist.

Thank you Gordon, you are making this country a joke on the international stage. Just yesterday
Der Speigal declared
Britain was an economic "mini-power" and now it seems France agrees. When heads of state can't even keep a straight face when dealing Brown it's time for Labour to take a deep breath and really consider what is best in the interests of this country rather than their dying party.

What an embarrassment. When you have Sarkozy, a man who has to stand on a box to reach a microphone, you know you are in real trouble.


Anonymous said...

Brown? And there was me thinking that it was all Eden's fault. Clearly we HAVE been a global superpower for the last fifty years.

Gabi said...

I hate Sarko, but I loved your box line. Made me giggle LOTS.

Nigel Fletcher

I spotted that and put it on Twitter earlier. Glad you agree he's smirking- I thought it might just be my overactive and biased imagination.

Dick the Prick said...

Labour politicians doing the best for the country - TB, shame on you for having that 3rd pint at lunch!

Anonymous said...

It really doesn't sound like he said Alistair, more like Alison... lol


He ACTUALLY says Alison! That is hilarious!


ALISON Darling!!! Jeez - no wonder Sarkozy's smirking. That's just about as pathetic as Obama Beach. How on earth did we manage to end up with a PM who has both verbal and financial diahorrea?


Monsieur Brown, quel tosseur enorme!

All Seeing Eye

Not sure why you can't embed it TB...its working fine on mine?

Laurence said...

Oldmortality: the word you need here is 'branleur' rather than 'tosseur'.

TB: I doubt that the simultaneous translation is so rapid that Sarko can smirk at Gordon in real time. There's enough stuff to chuck at Brown without troubling to invent more. Sorry

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