Sir Ian Kennedy Needs to Get a Grip
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tonight that Defender of the Pigs - Sir Ian Kennedy wants to be so down and trendy wiv da kids that he putting the restoration of trust in our Parliamentarians in the hands of a Facebook consultation. FFS.Why the constant need to waste even more taxpayers money consulting even more people. Experts from across the spectrum gave evidence to Kelly, how much did the inquiry cost? Why the need for another?
The Kelly report should be implemented in full without delay. The three party leaders have backed it, and the majority of our elected officials have too. The web of committees and boards and unelected goons such as Kennedy are part of the reason Parliament was able to get into this mess in the first place. If Kennedy cannot back the Kelly reforms then the party leaders should let it be known to the Speaker tomorrow morning that they have lost all faith in him. Then his position should be filled by someone who hasn't got their head shoved quite so far up their own arse, someone that can see that employing your wife isn't acceptable business practice and that making hundreds of thousands by swindling the taxpayer through capital gains tax loopholes doesn't exactly endear MPs to their bosses.
Here's a thought, why can't Kelly be put in charge of implementation?
I can't believe this (in your words) Goon. David Cameron went to great lengths to bring back some credibility for parliament and stamped his authority on naughty Tory MP's and Duck houses.
The other party leaders were slower to act over the expenses but in the end they came up with the goods and ultimately backed the Kelly report.
I agree TB, if Kennedy doesn't back the Kelly report then he has to go.
What clearer message does he need when the 3 main party leaders and "Nick Clegg" along with the majority of MP.s back Kelly's proposals.
What a spectacularly useless tit. With spineless dithering like this he shouldn't be in charge of expenses reform, he should be in the cabinet.
Simply put, it is his ego. He wants to be seen to be implementing the "Kennedy report", not the "Kelly report" - even if, like the Lisbon treaty/EU Constitution, it is 99.9% the same thing.
Yeah I don't understand at all why Kelly can't be in charge of the implementation too. More jobs for the boys, I suppose.