Saturday, 14 November 2009

Hannan Smashes the Euro-Extremists

The Taxpayers' Alliance
, What!? An independent grassroots movement!? EVIL! Burn the witch! It must be a Tory front, LIARS!! ARRRRGHetc.

Sorry let's try that again,
The Taxpayers' Alliance
are running a debate on Europe and have this stunning contribution from Hannan. In his articulate and calm manner he destroys all the arguments against an independent Britain put forward by the Euro-extremists:

A must watch.


Anonymous said...

Well said Mr Hannan you have expressed the feelings of the majority of this country but until Cameron comes round to your way of thinking my vote goes to UKIP.

Anonymous said...

Yeah no but no yeah no?

You need to fix the grammar in this sentence:

he destroys all the arguments for against an independent Britain but forward by the Euro-extremists:

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish Hannan was Conservative Leader. Then I wouldn't have to vote UKIP.


One very simple question.

Why does the EXACT SAME argument not work when you replace 'the UK' with 'Scotland', and 'the EU' with 'the UK'?


Euro-extremists? You mean Dave and Bill?

David T Breaker

Hannan articulates a fantastic argument in a wonderfully calm way. I have yet to hear any Euro-Nationalist articulate any argument for the EU that rises above name calling, let alone near his quality. I presume that's because they don't have a suitable argument.


This sentence makes no sense:

In his articulate and calm manner he destroys all the arguments for against an independent Britain but forward by the Euro-extremists

Nor does Hannan remaining in the Tory party; his policy is the policy of UKIP. Indeed, you might ask why he hasn't been disciplined and de-whipped by Cameron? Wasn't there a story a while back of a Tory PPC being de-selected for saying he thinks Britain should leave the EU?!

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