Friday, 6 November 2009

The Bear Unmasked

TB has crept up the

Wikio rankings
again this month. He is now in seventh place and hot on the tails of the legendary Tom Harris MP. Just goes to show you how far a gossip and teddy bears can get you. Thank you for the links and traffic that these rankings are based on.

So who is this bear who has been tapping at the keys for the last eighteen months? Well, while anonymity was fun for the twenty-five minutes it lasted, the Bear's identity is hardly a secret. The only reason references to it are not allowed in the comments is due to the fact it winds lefties up so much. Simple pleasures. Anyway TB has set up a website for his alter-ego and day job existence:
Check it out
. You can find out more about the bear and more importantly keep this blog going by supporting his little
freelance consultancy
earner. TB has been doing social media tutorials one on one, blogging advice, videos on demand, event PR etc unofficially for a wee while to keep him ticking over, but decided to see what happened when he advertised his services officially. His rates are surprisingly reasonable and whatever you need, however small, can probably be sorted out very quickly. Whether you're a blogger, candidate, company, pressure group, whatever,
get in touch
. Particularly good on everything you wanted to know about internet campaigning and the blogosphere but were too embarrassed to ask.

Sounds like a book title...


Irfan Ahmed

Nice site! I wish you all the best with your consultancy work. I won't need your services as I can do everything you can do plus more and do it better!

James Mackenzie

Your navigation on the left of the new site doesn't look right in Safari.

Also, your policies wouldn't work.

You may not care about either, though.


Does this count as TB officially coming out? ;)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the new site.

The Grim Reaper

I have never understood why leftie bloggers insist on referring to right-wing bloggers by their real names. The likes of Timothy Ireland (who blogs under the name "Mental", or something similar) is always doing it, as is joke blogger Sunny Hundal. Yes, we all know that Guido Fawkes is Paul Staines. But frankly, nobody cares.

When will they understand it doesn't make them look clever? It just makes them look a a bit of a cunt.



Congratulations for getting to 7th spot on Wikio. I'm sure you will overtake Mr Harris very shortly.

And congratulations for achieving 100,000 visits a month, that is some going for any blogger.

Fuc# I thought I was doing well with around 6,500 visits a month lol. Hey it is strange, my wikio rankings saw me drop 4 places for last month yet my stat counter shows an increase of 15% for visits.

Just goes to show you that the links do count big time for Wikio but like you say, visits are important.

Now about your identity. Hmm I only found out who you were when I was up at the Plesance on a Gym work out with some mates and one said to me "Mate you lift them dumbbells like that Tory guy who used to come in here and now runs that Bear blog, he could only lift his right arm and then puffed and wheezed his way back to the changingroom"

Not only that, some of the guys have a picture of you on their punch bags. Do you ken summit?, I just couldn't take a swing at the punchbag when I was asked too, I just couldny so I gave a great big belt with my right foot ha ha :)

Anyway great website and good luck with your consultancy, I might send the SNP your way becouse their site does need a bit of a lift :)

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