Textbook BBC Bias
You would think that a story starting with "Conservative chairman Eric Pickles will apologise..." is going to be a embarrassing, negative situation. But no, it's just
appalling negative framing
by the beeb of what is actually are very positive story.Not surprised, but come on, try be a little subtle.

unless he actually apologises for interrupting the music. Then they are just reporting the facts of course.
Then you'll apologies for claiming bias no doubt.
He does apologize for stopping the music.
And the BBC does seem to paint it in a bad light, but so do Sky News, unfortunately.
Frankly I think this is a silly idea likely to irritate music listeners. When I put some music on I don't expect it to be interrupted by a political speech.
It was Mrs T's greatest mistake not to sort out the set left-wing bias in the broadcasting establishment. They deliberately acted as the opposition during her time in office -- as they admit, on the grounds that "Labour was unable to oppose". And they showed their honesty by continuing to attack the Tories, even once they were in opposition.
Unless DC does something about this, he is basically giving all the cards to the enemy as soon as he is in office.