UPDATE: Caption Contest - Gehen Sie Viertens!


UPDATE: This seems to have gone under the radar a bit yesterday. TB is back later, last chance to win a the copy of "
" by David Craig and Matthew Elliot.Copyright 2010 Tory Bear. All Rights Reserved. Email Tory Bear on editor@torybear.com
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After the Green movement realised Hitler was one of the first environmentalists, Herr Prescott was finally able to show his true colours.
As he reached for his fifteenth pie, Mr Creosote heard an ominous rumbling, and wondered "Which toilet do I make a run for?"
Zwei G&T? Jawohl, Mein Herr¬!
John Prescott tries his 'camp' Hitler impression again!
"Heil H... (David how does it go again?)"
Don't mention zie pies!
Wunderbär! Forth not Fourth, Dummkopf!
Fourth not forth is prescott's blog kraut.
I take it that was the joke right?
"Don't mention zie Jag, I mentioned it twice but think i got away with it"
"Is this really the way I should introduce myself to Pope Benedict?"
Bidding was frenzied at the auction of the European Pie Mountain.
"Liberal Youth demand absolute loyalty to the Fuhrer"
Prescott's Superman career stalls due to excess baggage.
no platform...
could hold his weight.
"Heil Prescott! Me for Prime Minister! Straight outta Hull pubs to rule the world"
In the audience: What the hell is he saying now? I can understand a bloody thing.
His mate: I don't know just shut up and clap or he will chin you.
Just practising for the conference.... and for our next term, which we are sure to win, after all who would vote for the tory sweinhunt.
Mein (gewicht) kampf
Herr to your pants Prezza...Bacon sandwich for zie Kaiser?...
"Gordon Brown groaned aloud as he realised with horror that 'Two Shags' had failed to receive the memo that Naziism, Fascism and National Socialism were all right wing problems..."
John Prescott is practising for his new job as a signal on the railways.
Right arm raise, left arm raise.
I only keep in this good shape through relentless exercise.
I get off on the endolphins in my system after exercise.
Ooh Tracey that's nice, bit faster love.
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Brown.
Prescott: " And if you look to the right you'll see our policies, our relationship with reality and our chances of winning the next election going.... going.... GONE !"
As a committed old Labourite, Prescott was very keen to fit in with these trendy new 'national socialists'
As a committed old Labourite, Prescott was very keen to fit in with these new 'national socialists' he kept hearing about.
I'm spinning around
Move out of my way
I know you're feelin' me 'cause you like it like this
I'm breakin' it down
I'm not the same
I know you're feelin' me 'cause you like it like this
I'm next! Pie & Chips 'ere.....with a pint!
TRACY! I'm 'ere.
"Brown, he only had one eye,
Blair, cor! He could tell a lie,
Hazel Blears is very small,
And not a brain between them at all.
Prescott has only got two jags,
Tracey Temple and other slags,
Compared it to a cocktail sausage,
Apparently it's bloody small..."
I regret posting that already ... unless I win the book! In which case aren't I witty!
"You all know I've got a good right hook ... bet you didn't realise I could give you a right good shafting as well."
Let - me - tell - you
Hazel Blears, this high only when she jumped but, seriously boys, ginger-err all over!
Where's my yoyo?
Two Jags, despite his seriously dubious new web-savvy, decides to piss off the geeks by doing his own Downfall take without any need for Bruno Ganz
"Even after my stupid little video Hannan's approval rating was still THIS BIG."
John didn't quite get that he wasn't meant to make his own Downfall V-log.
Aye, this underarm deodorant doesn't half set quickly