BBC Delusion
A BBC political correspondent on News 24 was just talking about the arrest of Baroness Scotland's housekeeper. Discussing it in the context of "the story that won't go away" he said:
"Baroness Scotland was pretty much cleared by the UKBA"
WTF? Way to swallow the spin hook line and sinker. What a lightweight. Pretty much cleared?? As in fined £5000 for breaking the law and becoming a laughing stock of the entire Bar and Whitehall, forcing resignations and and media storm?
Wouldn't like to see what the BBC would consider "being found guilty" looks like.

Many public bodies will have an disciplinary offence of bring that organisation into disrepute, which can lead to being sacked.
This is just typical of what they do.
Come on TB, stop giving the BBC or any of the broadcast news programmes any credibility. Do not treat them as normal. One has to realise that the BBC (and other broadcasting) journalists are not reporting the news, they are manipulating the news to fit the agenda of the ones who control those news and opinion programmes.
No news is reported fairly, it is assessed to see how it helps or endangers the Project, then it is twisted, filtered and juxtaposed to make it suit them.
The BBC is not what it used to be or pretends still to be.
It is now a malign organisation. With its news and political opinion programmes the BBC is now merely an awesomely powerful propaganda arm for the promotion of the Project and the undermining of all opposition to the Project.
The small bunch of people who are effectively running this show are unelected and unaccountable to us, yet this is the most influential mind-bending power in the history of mankind. It is the same with all the broadcast news programmes.
As with every single aspect of our society, it has been degraded and corrupted by Labour and the left.
Leave the left in control of anything and they will corrupt it.
The first aim of the return to decency in this country by the non-left is therefore to utterly destroy the monopoly power of the Labour controlled broadcast news programmes.
One way of doing this is to open up the broadcasting infrastructure (like BT) to many, many news providers. This is an extension of localism
This is an Information Age, yet we allow this to go on without a thought.
Why do we just put up with this?
Who elected these BBC commentators who tell us what to think?
By what right do they hold their immensely powerful posts?
Who appointed them?
Who appointed the appointers?
The need for reform in so many things is now so utterly critical yet these people are blocking the solutions. They just have to be removed.
For the new Conservative government to leave the broadcast news programmes in the control of this handful of unelected, self-appointed unrepresentative Labour supporting people would be fatal to any chance of reform.
The intensity of the sustained and deliberate mischief they would cause would make the operation of a reforming Conservative government impossible.
This is the very first reform they must make, for the success of all the other reforms depend on it.