YouTube Fail.
A masterpiece of spin once again from Mr Brown today, but once again, within minutes, it all unravels. Two birds, one stone - firstly he killed off the dying dregs of the smeargate story. Secondly he distracted the news agenda for the day - stopping people talking about the Budget. Tomorrow is going to be a day of dreadful headlines for Labour and it is no wonder Brown didn't want to face the press pack today. The ill thought out and rushed plans were broadcast in a painful and cringe-worthy attempt to not only look down with the kids, but to also hide from scrutiny. You can see how awkward he feels with his fake smile, weird gestures, and constant lapses back into grumpiness.
Brown announced when he came to power that he was going to end the days of spin that had dominated the Blair government. He promised to stop bypassing Parliament for big announcements. Well at least Blair had the balls to leak things to the press first, at least there was some degree of accountability. Instead Brown's announcement bypassed any editorial input, questioning and scrutiny from absolutely anyone. How can he lead the country when he is too scared to even face some awkward questions from journalists?
And if you want a vision of how Brown would really like to see this country run; "Children tell me that they want to be teachers, doctors, fireman" All good public sector workers suckling on the teet of the state. Who are these strange kids Brown is meeting who want to join his Utopian super state. There is no mention of entrepreneurs, businessmen, lawyers and dare TB say it bankers? And what a blatant lie about not meeting any young people who want to be MPs. The only people Brown associates himself with are loyal apparatchiks who have one goal and one goal only.
Climbing the greasy poll.
Of course in Gordy's day all the kids wanted to be the Presidents of small Soviet Republics, Gordy was normal then..honest!!
If this was shown to kids as an example of what'll happen if they indulge in drug taking then they'll gladly go cold turkey overnight !