A high price for a 3 point poll boost.
The Labour lot are
orgasmically proclaiming
that the glorified press release that was the G20 yesterday has saved the world's problems and that the trillion dollars being pumped into the global economy is going to somehow stem the inevitable tied of recession. What utter twoddle. It's a joke that Campell is saying this is substance over style. By the rulebook he wrote this is a textbook Labour piece of media engineering. Brown himself said good media coverage was the benchmark for success for the summit and yes he got some good headlines. But at what price? Now TB is sure these pics
have been posted elsewhere but just in case anyone is unsure, lets look at what "a trillion dollars" really means:Let's start with $10,000:A million dollars:
A billion... now we're talking...There it is Dr Brown your one trillion dollars, not a sum to be thrown around lightly: It makes TB sick to think that this money is just going to go down the drain. As Daniel Hannan said, it's as if there is this big magic wand called Keynes that will make everything better. It won't, we can't afford to be wasting this money. Gordon is quite literally attempting to buy time. We might think we have it bad suffering under his premiership but that is nothing to the suffering that this man is going to cause our children, and their children and their children...
Lets see whom is first at the IMF aqsking for a loan.