Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Dead Duck tantrums

The Liberal Democrats just don't get it. They are due to get a savage kicking in the next election and look like fools when they go around with their "Shadow" team pretending that they actually have a chance of forming a government. Such illusions of grandeur can be seen in Nick Clegg's pathetic yet comical hissy fit that he didn't get to go for a cup of tea with "The One":

"I am really annoyed. As it was not a state visit I understood I wouldn't get to see him. But when I found out Obama was meeting the Queen and David Cameron I got on the phone to David Miliband to ask him what was going on. Frankly, it doesn't look good for Cameron to see him and for me not to."

Hate to break it to you Nick, Obama is meeting Cameron because he is going to be the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and frankly doesn't have time to meet the convener of a jumped up pressure group.

Hat-Tip -
Richard Kay


Terrible Tory Girl

Ha ha ha ha you tell him TB!

Anonymous said...

It was an april fool you mug


Umm actually no it wasn't, Cleggs office denied he talked to Kay but infact it was someone else who worked for Kay's column as was confirmed in the comment section


Lib Dems may be trying to spin there way out of this but check your facts then leave a comment before you go around calling other people mugs.



John Galt said...

hahahahahaha. Nick Clegg. What a joke.

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