+++Debate live+++
McCain: "the worst thing we can do is raise tax on anyone"
UPDATE: Obama is stuttering..."health errrrrrr credit"
UPDATE: 02:25:
McCain isn't the most articulate of chaps but is jumping through the hoops, hitting the mark.
nObama is talking about all "the good stuff" he is kind of doing.
New question... on the economy... ohhhhh.
Try counting how many times Obama says "John's Right".
In addition could stuff by McCain talking about his work with Sen. Clinton on Global Warming! Ouch!
McCain lays Smackdown discussing his strategy on Iraq.
McCain was right on the surge! Right for America! Right for the World!
Also McCain did good on seperating himself from the initial Bush strategy on Iraq!
Obama sounds like a 21st century George McGovern!
McCain is exceeding our wildest expectations.... Obama is having to rely on "Joe Biden is experienced"