Monday, 20 April 2009

Should do the trick...


Your article on Gordon Brown's appearance in South Park (April 20th Gordon Brown to appear on South Park) is incorrect in stating that the Prime Minister is to be given an animated makeover. Indeed the episode has already been shown in America and although the character of the British Prime Minister bears a passing resemblance to Mr Brown, he does in fact have a generic cockney accent and no mention of his name is given.
Although Mr Brown has had a bad week, he can at least rest easy knowing the creators of South Park went easy on him, for now.

Yours faithfully
Tory Bear



I don't think they did go easy on Brown. I think they were portraying David Cameron as Prime Minister; quite a snub to Brown really. All the other world leaders were apparently fairly accurate (i.e. Rudd in Australia), so why give the current Scottish British PM an English accent?

Anton Howes

Yeah, it looked more like Cameron to me.

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