Monday, 20 April 2009

The dying days of Rome...

James Delingpole is on

cracking form

"Failed tyrants are never more dangerous than in the last months of their terrible reigns. It's when the surviving political prisoners get bumped off, when the suicidal last-ditch offences are launched, when the dictator punishes his people for his own inadequacies by laying waste the land in a final act of hellish Götterdämmerung. So what can we expect from Gordon Brown?

As much, I fear, as he can possibly get away with in the time available. Already, he has proved himself by some measure the worst prime minister in at least a century. But give him time: with a year to go until he's booted out of Downing Street, he could still yet give the likes of King Stephen or King John a good run for their money as quite simply our island's worst leader since time began."


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