Wednesday, 4 February 2009

NUS has money to burn...

Great piece over at
Students for Freedom
that TB reckons is worth reproducing in full:

The NUS advertises for a new regional organiser for the South West 

in the best place to find well-paid non-jobs: GuardianJobs.

£29k AND a car?! Compare that to the average university lecturer, who earns £31,840 a year, and obviously no car (duh!).  For the £29k of students’ and universities’ money that the NUS is throwing at its representatives, universities could pay for 700 hours of teaching at that pay grade 
at the suggested £41.23 an hour
.  Each of my eight courses has 100 or so students, and has forty hours of ‘teacher-student interface’ time a year.  That is to say, for the cost of the NUS hiring a regional coordinator to peddle its trash to the South West of England, 219 more students could have been taught for a year. Thanks for standing up for students’ interests once again, NUS!

Something tells TB that Oli Cooper won't be standing for an NUS position anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

Oli Cooper for PM!

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