Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Don't Panic Vs. CF - Round 32

Don't Panic
's Heydon Prowse can be very funny, he can also get right under people's skin from time to time. It seems he might want to rethink his comments concerning CF's head honchos. TB has a response from CF Charmain and Deputy Chair Michael Rock and Christian May to Mr Prowse's
interview with LabourList
that was published this morning, in particular his recollections of a certain conversation:
Michael and I share much in common. One such trait is that we don't often read LabourList, and I'm sure we’re not alone in this. It seems to be not much more than a collection of press releases from Government departments, broken up by a few over excited Tweets from their "grassroots" or "online movement." Although to be fair to Alex Smith, he has at least succeeded in bringing in a bit of debate and opinion after the downfall of its original editor.

However, Alex Smith stills lets the odd howler through his editorial sift and the website was drawn to our attention this morning after the political highwayman Heydon Prowse appeared to articulate our views, and the views of Conservative Future, to the readership of Labour's flagship online presence.
Apparently, having spoken to us both, he concludes that we’re all Guardian readers, that we would agree with most of what he thinks, and that the the only change we’re interested in is from opposition to government.

Where to begin?! Well for starters, I’ve never met Mr Prowse. I wasn’t at the infamous gathering where he filmed my friends and colleagues, and I certainly haven’t met him anywhere else. Michael has had a conversation with Mr Prowse, on camera in fact, but I think it's fair to say Michael isn't particularly well known for his Guardianista views, and there wasn't much policy discussion. So how Mr Prowse claim to know which papers we read and what our political views are, is beyond me.

To be fair, he probably doesn’t have to meet either of us to know that we want the Conservatives to move from opposition to government, but it’s a touch unfair to claim that our thoughts on “change” are as basic as that.

Why do Michael and I want change? Well Mr Prowse, Michael and I have decided to break it down for you:

We want a change from an overbearing State to a smaller government. We want a change from punitive taxes on the poorest to incentives to work. We want a change from a broken society to a renewed civic conservatism. We want a government that cares about people, not headlines. We want the armed forces to be led by Dr Fox, rather than the embarrassing “Bungling” Bob Ainsworth. We want a Health System that trusts doctors, not targets. We want schools that ensure teenagers leave with the ability to read and write. We want Britain to be an effective trading partner with Europe, not a willing cash cow in the ongoing project of EU imperialism. We want a Prime Minister that doesn’t employ people to smear political (and military) opponents.

There’s a lot that we want to see changed, not least the credibility that Mr Prowse seems to have gained through duplicity, spin and mistruths.
Over to you Heydon, TB is more than happy to publish right of reply.

Oh Gordon.

More here

"Saving the world."

Time for a New Leader


polling news
for the Scottish Tories.
Iain Martin
is right:
They’re getting absolutely nowhere, slowly. More than 12 years after they were wiped out in 1997, and 10 years since the launch of devolution (which they thought might enable them to rebuild) they are stuck down on 18%.

The findings will trouble David Cameron, who has attempted to make great play of his Unionist credentials. But with a Labour government in trouble, and a fresh-faced Tory leader, the best his Scottish wing can manage is 18%.

Remember, in what will likely be a closely fought election campaign, every seat counts. For context: Thatcher secured 31% of the vote in Scotland in the 1979 election that brought her to power. Her party had 22 Scottish seats. Now it has one. On 18% it’ll be lucky to do any better than that.
This poll will make for very depressing reading for a lot of extremely talented PPCs that the Party has north of the border. Although these candidates are pretty much powerless to do anything about the Holyrood grouping and the leadership of the Party in Scotland, noises need to be made. Tory MSPs need to take a long hard look at these figures and what they can do to help the image of the Party in the eyes of the Scottish voters. A refreshed an invigorated grouping in Holyrood could gain more attention and thus more traction for the Scottish Party as a whole.

While Annabel Goldie has many fine qualities she is clearly not leading the charge effectively. While many like her personally, the numbers tell a different story. Any course of action need not be brutal, merely pragmatic. There are some very talented potential successors in the Holyrood grouping who could hit the ground running.

A change at the top could be the very catalyst required to restart the fight back north of the border.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

The Last Word

It seems all echelons of the Labour Party are in capable off saying sorry for anything, unless of course it is for the actions of the British people hundreds of years ago. It seems the official line of "regret" will have to do from Ellie Gellard. As for the cowardly councillor Tim Cheetham he deleted his words in silence. Says a lot!

Just a few final words on all this. Regular commenter here, blogger

Dick Puddlecoat
, has a damning response to what was christened "Skate-Gate". TB was as shocked as he was offended by such callous words from the two labourites and while he was blogging in anger, a more reserved approach from Dick is
well worth a read
Now, it has been mentioned in the comments that TB is being a trifle precious here, and, in an ideal world, they would have a point. However, this is Labour we are talking about. You know, the party which has systematically thinned the collective skin of the entire nation?

They have not merely discouraged comments which could be construed as offensive, they have legislated to criminalise them but, and this is crucial, only for those who are deemed worthy by socialists. Hate speech is illegal if others utter it towards Labour's friends, but perfectly acceptable if aimed by their elected officials and party apparatchiks at those who are not stamped as 'approved' by the left.

Say you don't like Muslims and you could end up behind bars, but wishing death on Thatcher is fair game even for tinpot Tim and ever ready Ellie.

See, the commenters at TB's place tend to possess more of a spine than that attributed to the public by Labour during their tenure, but then, those who are not socialist have always tended to believe that the world is a difficult place and one should learn to cope with it rather than be nursemaided through the whole experience.

Labour, though, have decided that the country should be filled with individuals who have the right not to be offended ... ever. So much so, that we regularly read of innocuous ads receiving complaints from dainty flowers who either see offence that wasn't there, or who are quite simply too stupid to understand the joke.

So surely, if Labour aren't to be accused of hypocrisy (hey, stop laughing, I'm trying to be serious here), Mrs Thatcher should be expecting an apology quite soon, no?

Well. No. Because the response has been depressingly predictable.

"The official line to take tonight seems to be smear TB as a sexist, all very well coordinated kids."

Hammer. Knee. Jerk.

As usual, rather than tackle the problem, the preferred method is an ad hom smear.

Talking about a woman? That'll be sexist. Concerned that immigration policy is wrong-headed? That'll be racist. Worried that schools are putting too much emphasis on same sex relationships? You're a homophobe.

The implication is that this was only a joke and not meant to be offensive, so TB, and Mrs Thatcher's friends and family, should just chill out.

Perhaps they might be inclined to if Labour hadn't spent a couple of decades just not getting the fucking joke themselves. Or, as A N Wilson put it at the weekend.

"I would much rather live in a world where comedians sometimes 'go too far', than in a tight-lipped dictatorship where you do not dare to make a joke because someone else will think it 'totally unacceptable' - to use that pompous phrase which is trotted out all too often nowadays by the thought police. Acceptable to whom?

It is patronising to women, Jews, black people, Irish people, or indeed to anyone, to suggest they are too thin-skinned ever to hear a joke in which some stereotypical attitude is betrayed."

Them's your rules, Labour. You're the ones who promoted this atmosphere of instant mistrust of the jovial word. You're the ones who dictate that no offence should ever be perceived, let alone intended. You're the ones who have set the agenda and acted on it.

Yet wishing death or injury will be conveniently set aside in this instance, because Labour are not consistent, merely selfish.

They scream when they, or their pet groups, are even mildly offended - hell, they even scream when their pet groups are not offended but Labour think that they should be. But when it comes to Labour offending others, that's a different matter entirely. Their own right to post objectionable messages or hate speech is assiduously guarded. After all, theirs is the righteous ideology and cannot ever be questioned.

You must understand. It's not offensive when Labour do it. Got that?
Well said that man. Read the whole piece


Great spot
by Dizzy:
Won't ask how he found that out.

Quote of the Day

"It's no use pretending this isn't a major blow. The emails extracted by a hacker from the climatic research unit at the University of East Anglia could scarcely be more damaging. I am now convinced that they are genuine, and I'm dismayed and deeply shaken by them."

-George "moonbat" Moinboit on the
CRU leak

Grauniad Subliminal Sudoku

Of all the things TB laughed at in this morning's Guardian

had to be the funniest:

Monday, 23 November 2009

UPDATED (again): They Don't Half Pick 'Em

The problem whe

n you become a poster girl for a political party is realising that instead of being a random groupie on twitter, when you get the endorsement of party elders, party slaves and party cheerleaders, when you are photographed with the PM, you deserve a little more scrutiny. LabourList proudly state young Ellie Gellard is their most
influential communicator online.

It takes a pretty sick individuals to look at the footage of a frail old lady enjoying a reward for years of loyal and great service to her nation and
wish a violent accident
involving stairs and skateboards upon them. You may disagree with someone politically but to wish them a violent death? Baroness Thatcher has been hospitalised in the past from falling down and to suggest the image of her falling down the stairs over a skateboard is in anyway funny or just reward to anyone is as deeply disturbing as it is shameful. Apparently this is funny though to Labour's poster girl Ellie and
Barnsley councillor Tim Cheetham.
So will Alastair Campbell, Kerry McCarthy, John Prescott, Labour HQ and even Polly Toynbee, who were so quick to praise this deluded young lady for her campaigning about the Labour PPB please have at worst a quite word with her, or at best do the right thing and publicly condemn her? Or is this an acceptable message from representatives of the Labour Party?

TB got in touch with senior Conservative source, and friend of Mrs Thatcher and showed them this filth, their response said it all:
"Healthy political debate is one thing, but it is quite another to spread vile jokes like this around the internet. This young lady should be ashamed of herself. It's clear that gutter politics aren't just confined to the top of the Labour Party."
A joke here and there and a bit of banter is one thing but a line has very much been crossed here.

UPDATE: 22.30: A point or two: both of these people officially speak for the Labour Party. One is a councillor, the other brought in to email the entire Labour Party membership list and has been thrust into the limelight as an officially endorsed poster girl for the appalling attempt at a Labour fight back. "Game on" eh?
The official line to take tonight seems to be smear TB as a sexist, all very well coordinated kids. However TB would have gone after anyone sick enough to make those remarks. He doesn't care what any old kid says on Twitter, but when someone is a representative of the party of government they should think twice before they open their mouths. The reason Ellie was targeted was due to the fact she is such a prominent activist supported and endorsed by Labour HQ, rather than one of a last handful of irrelevant Labour councillors. Though with the "vermin" nonsense they hardly have a good rep these days do they?
So stop the spin and the shouts of bullying etc and bite the bullet. If you can't take a taste of your own medicine then that says more about you than it does about the bear. TB is just interested in whether these thoughts are commonly accepted and supported views in the Labour Party? So far no one condemned Ellie from the red camp. Telling.

UPDATE 12.01: Could those various press officers who claim on the phone to still be looking into this please hurry up. TB is starving and wants to go to lunch soon...

Mystic Mac

TB has had a busy day making life difficult for a certain MP, but he did have the opportunity to laugh, and promptly send hoards over to James Macintyre's

latest fantasy blog post
. First it was Blair to win and now fifty odd piss taking comments must surely be a new record for the the low traffic Statesman site?
"Indeed, yesterday's poll and the apparent trend reminded me that, after I dared to suggest in my new year predictions (some wrong, some right), that the two main parties' positions in the polls would switch by the end of this year Iain Dale, the aimiable and popular partisan Conservative blogger, reacted with "cackling laughter" and said "In your dreams, sunshine".

In fact, private polling commissioned by Number Ten is today showing just that."
Course it is James.

TB's fav comments have to be the "Did Gordon slip you some of his happy pills?" and "Is this secret poll No.10 has, is like the secret intelligence report no. 10 had about iraq having WMD's?"

Now as far as TB is aware there are very strict rules on how Downing Street can use party political polling, and particularly if they brief the media on them. British Polling Council
say that if you media release any results from a poll, then the whole poll must be published in full within 48 hours by the pollster:
2.3. Public opinion polling organisations reporting results will endeavour to have print and broadcast media include the above items in their news stories and will in any event make a report containing these items together with full computer tables of the results available on their web site within 2 working days of the original release.

2.4. In addition to the information outlined above, the public opinion polling organisation responsible for conducting the survey that has entered the public domain will place the following information on its own web site within 2 working days of the data being published.

· A full description of the sampling procedures adopted by the organisation

· Computer tables showing the exact questions asked in the order they were asked, all response codes and the weighted and unweighted bases for all demographics and other data that has been published

· A description of the weighting procedures employed and weighted and unweighted figures for all variables (demographic or otherwise) used to weight the data, whether or not such breakdowns appear in any analysis of sub samples.

· An e-mail address for further enquiries. It is assumed that all other reasonable requests for other data, over and above the requirements specified herein, necessary for readers of the polls to assess the validity of the data will be answered

· A link to the BPC web-site

So who is the pollster and where is the report on their website?

Are they not a proper BPC registered polling organisation?

Or was Macintyre making up anonymous LOOK AT ME I'M IMPORTANT briefings from No10?

Well they have 48 hours to publish, but TB isn't holding his breath...

Cartoon - Still on Recess?

Well it was a pretty poor
first shot

The EU Gets Seriously Duped

"The European Commission has signed a $1bn (£602m) development pact with Nigeria"

reports the BBC
. Oh come on, they can't really have fallen for that? Everyone gets spam emails from "Nigerians" begging for money, but only the European Union could be collectively dumb enough to fall for that trick.
Jess the Dog
exclusively reveals the email that sealed the deal:
Dear Your Excellency Development Commissioner of the European Union,

I am writing this mail to you with tears and sorrow from my heart. With due respect trust and humanity, I appeal to you to exercise a little patience and read through my letter.

My father was former Nigerian Peace and Human Rights Minister. He has been exile in prison house arrest in Abuja under many guards and tortures. He is not live long even if they release. But he has Swiss bank account with one trillion million dollars that is pledged for peace, security and human rights.

My friend, I know you love peace even though I not know you. I know you believe in human rights and want to see the dream of my father come into the world. But the bank in Swiss will not release one trillion million dollars without special deposit. If you will send me the sum of one billion dollars as special deposit then bank will release one trillion million dollars for peace, security and human rights.

I trust you, my friend, to respond urgent.

They will be using European taxpayers' money to buy counterfeit viagra and prescription pills next.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

CCHQ Show Labour How It's Done

Gordon u-turned and as Jedward went off the X-Factor this poster went out across London:

Look around London and email the bear a pic if you see one.

Game on - these digital ad boards are going to be great fun in the GE.

Friday, 20 November 2009

Bob Ainsworth is a Disgrace - Episode 45

If the Tories move to place the police under local control there will be resignations,

says top copper
Sir Hughly important Orde:
"We must be operationally independent in terms of how we deliver policing. We should not be influenced by anyone who has any potential or suggestion for a political basis."
News reaches TB though that on December 5th the Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth will be focusing entirely on the war in Afghanistan from the warmth and comfort of several Coventry pubs and bars along with Superintendent Deborah Harrod from West Midlands Police. Debs recently missed out on the top job in the West Midlands force and is also understood to be eying up a promotion in one of the London forces. Being seen with a cabinet minister must have its perks...

The visit has caused a furore for a number of reasons:
  • Bob Ainsworth says he's totally focused on Afghanistan and yet can find time to trawl bars in search of insurgent binge drinkers... They must get a lot of those in Afghanistan for it to be worth of the Defence Secretary's attention,
  • The visit is not in Bob's constituency - the neighbouring Coventry South constituency is thirsty Jim Cunningham's. Perhaps the police were worried Jim might become part of the problem after a few.
  • The visit features exclusively Labour politicians who do not represent the area in a city that is Conservative-controlled and in a ward that is all-Conservative. It's been seen as a politically provocative move from the police.
Is this the freedom from political influence and bias Hugh Orde means?

Thanks to Coventry's biggest political blogger
Mike Rouse
for this one.

The Sharpest Political Hack in the Village

James Macintyre, sage of the New Statesman, has shown

once again
how on the ball he is with his shrewd analysis and foresight. If you are ever in doubt of who is the greatest hack of them all, just look what he published yesterday:


Thursday, 19 November 2009

+++Harman (lawmaker) To Be Charged (lawbreaker)+++

TB is on the move but news is breaking that Harman is to be charged for driving offences. At the time she was reported to haver said to witnesses "I'm Harriet Harman, you know where to find me." Well it seems they found her.

In days of yore politicians would resign for much less.

She should go for the line not the crime.

Make Your Mind Up Gordon

What a surprise
. Gordon has u-turned on what he thinks about X-Factor uber-freaks Jedward. This is especially embarrassing after Labour's botched attempts to have a dig at Cameron and Osborne with a disasterous online
poster campaign

Labour's online team haven't really had the best of weeks really.

Special Report

Guy News
now has a studio.. rather exciting:

Eat your heart our Chris Morris. Well not quite yet.

The Video Labour Should Have Used

Ok ok, TB promises he will change the record soon, but one final comment on that god awful PEB from the Labour Party last night (See previous postings.) Much fuss was made that they were listening to their grassroots when in reality they are broke, and rehashing stock footage and slipping the Hovis guy a twenty for the voice over was cheaper than making a whole new campaign. If Labour really cared about their grassroots they could have done a lot worse than follow up this video:

Instead of lies and clips of Obama, a PEB on similar style to that effort. It was made by grassroots activists, for grassroots activists, when Labour was at the lowest low point back at the beginning of the summer. The quality is rubbish, it was knocked together on Blackberries, but that doesn't matter. The message behind it is far, far more powerful then anything that has come from the top. Hell even TB was moved by the determination of the core. He may well disagree with everything this deluded bunch stand for but damn you got to respect their commitment and a great way to communicate their message. Who can hate a bit of Journey.

Here's to the fighters, not the glory seeking twitteres, but the ones actually putting the work in.

Do Not Pass Go

Do not collect anymore deliberately pilfered taxpayer money.
Fantastic news
in this morning's Telegraph -It seems that the Met is closing in on the worst troughers. As suspected, it seems the scummiest offenders have been Labour's Chaytor, Morely and Devine.

What about Moran and Malik though?

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


Oh dear, look what just popped into TB's inbox:

Dear Tory Bear

More than likely, you don't know who I am, and are wondering why I'm emailing you. I’m not a politician, I’m an ordinary Labour Party member.

A few weeks ago I started a campaign to get this video released as Labour's PPB

And guess what - tonight it's going to be shown on TV. On BBC 2 at 5.55pm and BBC 1 and ITV 1 at 6.55pm.

I saw it for the first time at Labour Party Conference this year and it actually made me cry. It reminded me why I joined this Party, why I campaign for this Party and why I will always fight for this Party.

But here's the interesting thing - I started to show it to people who weren't members, people who weren't even sure they were going to vote Labour this time round - and they loved it too and said it made them more likely to vote for us.

The video outlines the measures announced in the Queen’s Speech – like free personal care for those in need as a step towards the creation of a National Care Service – and sets them in the context of Labour achievements like the Minimum Wage and the creation of the NHS.

It’s called "Fighters and Believers" - you'll see why when you watch it - and in honour of this, this weekend the Labour Party is holding a "Fighters Weekend".

If you list an event that you're organising for this weekend on Membersnet by the end of the day the Labour Party will send you a batch of special limited edition "Fighters and Believers" badges for your CLP

This is the story of Britain and of our Party - people fighting to achieve change, people fighting to secure fairness and opportunity for those in middle and modest circumstances and people fighting for the country as a whole.

And the lesson we should all carry with us in the coming months? When we fight we win.

If you have ever wanted anyone you know who’s undecided about how they might vote at the next election to understand why you’re Labour get them to watch this video

Best wishes,

Ellie Gellard

PS – If you can’t campaign for Labour this weekend but want to join the fight – you can donate to Labour now and make a massive difference. Every penny you donate will be spent on our fight.

She may "always fight for this Party" but that is the very problem with Labour and this government, they fight for themselves and not for the country.

PS. Is that Bevinite or Bevanite Ellie?