Thursday, 4 March 2010

Please Please Please Stop

The election hasn't even been called but for the record TB would just like to say at this point he is already sick to the back teeth of having to listen to constant references to the following terms:

"The internet election..." as in "this is like totally the internet election" - Yes it will be important but not that important.

"Obama-style fund-raising"  as in "we have no money but lets make it sound good when someone gives us a fiver" - The UK is at least five years behind getting anywhere close to even a minor senate campaign. Get a grip. If anything it should be called "Dean-style" fund-raising.  PPCs can only spend 40k from now onward on seats, Ron Paul raised a million in one day.

"Twitter engagement"  as in "we like totally get social media engagement" - Well done, you are talking to 10,000 politically active people. Less than a quarter of one constituency. Go knock on some doors.

"Car Crash TV" as in "OMG you see that reasonably competent, but idealogical differing from my own view, television performance? That guy got like totally #PWNED. #FAIL #GAMEON" - Just because you disagree with someone doesn't make it a bad performance. Though this line can genuinely apply to Prescott, J. and Devine, J.

Feel free to include your own ideas below and TB will update any good ones.


Jenny said...

"This is gonna be a game-changer" - it's probably not. A TV gaff, or whatever else gets politicos wetting their knickers, is not going to change the fact that thousands of people have lost their jobs, that small businesses can't get credit, the NHS and state schools are still sh*t and not even a face lift and bottle of prozac will make Gordon Brown charismatic.

Anonymous said...

"Harriet Harman" - Please God Make Her Stop Talking.

Cogito Dexter

We might 'win the argument' amongst ourselves on Twitterface or wherever, but NOBODY ELSE IS LISTENING!

Blogs are a good way to let off steam, but they're not going to make Mrs Miggins in the next street change her vote.

Campaigning on the ground is what brings in the votes.

Mike Rouse

Uploading an image to the front page of a website does not make it a "poster campaign"

Anonymous said...

"Mike Rouse said...
Uploading an image to the front page of a website does not make it a "poster campaign""

It does if you're Labour.

Anything But Brown said...

"he is already sick to the back teeth of having to listen to constant references to the following terms:"

"Vote Labour"

FX Man

"Whoever wins the election will have Difficult Choices"

Well of course they will! They always will! That's why they want to get elected!

So shut-the-fcuk-up about Difficult Choices!


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