The Big Day
Big day. Very big day. First up we have Sir Christopher Kelly reporting his recommendations for reforming Parliament. This is it boys, this is war. There will be tears, there will be tantrums but you can almost guarantee nearly all of what he recommends will come into force eventually. Many hacks are referring to today as the end of the expenses scandal. This is an extremely naive view though in TB's opinion.
has already reported a glimpse of what we are about to see once the local press get their teeth stuck in to their MPs in the run up to the election. This isn't the end but it will certainly be a landmark. Things in Westminster will never be the same, and for the better TB hopes.The bear will be live blogging from the press conference so head this way for about 9.45.
Normally the high point of the political week, PMQs will pale in significance today. Will no doubt be a good one though...
Staying in Westminster TB will also be tapping away live at Cameron's speech about Europe that is at 4pm. Kelly will no doubt dominate the news agenda throughout the day and TB would be extremely surprised if DC pushes the story from the top of the bulletins at 10, maybe at 6. What can we expect from Dave then? Well if glimpses can be seen from Hague and Hannan who did the rounds of political slots last night, we might just get some form of referendum one day. There was much talk of renegotiating the UK's relationship with the EU - fantastic news - TB is willing to put money on the fruits of those labours being put to the country. Or at least promised to be by Cameron today.
Brown will get an earful and rightly so. He is the one that got us into this mess in the first place, and for the likes of Campbell, Bradshaw and Miliband to have a cheap shot about u-turns on referendums they can jog right on. Desperation is an understatement.
So it will be a busy day, but the bear is armed with his laptop, blackberry and a mocha-frappachino.
Let the games begin