Saturday, 7 February 2009

AC has a sense of humour...

Some of you may know that TB has a lot of time for Alastair Campbell, and he's pleased to see that he, or at least the person moderating his

has a sense of humour. What a relieve compared to other prominent, David Brent like, Labour bloggers. TB decided to see what could get through the moderation process and it does indeed seem that...

"2009-02-06 16:38:58 is it true you have the Burnley FC logo tattooed on your bottom?" just fine! Also a bit odd that AC has included the footage of Mandy resigning in one of his videos that goes through the glory days of New Labour. How odd.

Comment away!


Anonymous said...

To be fair the video with the Mandy footage is clearly more a montage of the major events from the early years of new Labour - it also includes the death of Princess Diana and 9/11.


Yeah two of Campbell's finest speeches he wrote for Tony. He discusses them in his diaries.

It's clearly a dig.


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