Hi, My name is Martha and I'm one of readers.
I'd like to thank you for the excellent information I've found
on, it's one of my favorite readings on the web.
I live in Globe, Arizona where I have the passion to share
with family and friends some tips to increase awareness on
healthy eating and its impact on the environment.
I figured you might be interested in including a guest article
for about a new research from the United Nations (UN) that
suggests a correlation between climate change and meat consumption.
Article in form of a little guide with a sample vegetarian recipe
to help your readers experiencing with this topic and perhaps
discuss the topic at hand.
Please, take a minute to consider this; it would be a pleasure
and honor to contribute!
With your support we can educate the public about the dangers of
excessive meat consumption and hopefully contribute save our environment.
Either way, thanks for reading and keep posting your excellent
information on
Hope you a good week.
Martha Volz