Tuesday, 7 September 2010

CCHQ's Fax Pas

There was some confusion last night about Oliver Cooper. Well more than ususal levels at least. Rumour spread that he had nominated himself for Chairman of Conservative Future at the eleventh hour and this true gossip quickly spread. However when the nominations were published last night it seems he missed the deadline. As thought CCHQ...

Though after a mild fuss and documentary evidence that the papers had been faxed well before the cut off of noon yesterday was presented, it seems there was a change of heart and the nomination was accepted.

And what was the cause of the problem?

Well it seems someone at the slick, well oiled, election winning operation, had forgotten to put any paper in the fax machine... 

The election results will be announced on the 27th September once a suitable brewery has been found for the celebrations.


Anonymous said...

Election winning? Shome mishtake, shurely?

Anonymous said...

Wow. I didn't think anyone had fax machines that actually had paper in them any more.

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