Thursday, 9 July 2009

Sorry who is Vince Clegg?

It is often said that Vince Cable should be the leader of the Liberal Democrats but someone in Liberal Youth is clearly a little confused...

These pictures sent to TB from last weekend's "Activate" weekend for the yellow kids are apparently from a training seminar where they were being taught by Cowley Street officials about leaflet writing. Anyone who has even gazed half an eye over any Lib Dem election literature will recognise the usual lies and bullshit that they push on the doorstep. Looks like the record isn't going to change anytime soon.
Particularly enjoyed the "Vince Clegg saves Christmas" line. Surprised the deluded dead duckers haven't pushed that one for real yet.


Oliver Drew

Vince Clegg is the genetically bound super-leader - a combination of Nick Clegg and Vince Cable!! Although I'd feel the need to wonder exactly what super qualities Clegg would bring to this symbiosis!

Anonymous said...

Tory Party...
Polar Bear...

Tory bear!

Will these confusing portmanteaus never cease!

Martin Shapland

Sarcasm is lost on Tories...

C Leslie

Seriously TB, the NOTW would be proud of such non-stories. It was a mock leaflet I and others did for part of our training activities, obviously not meant to be taken seriously...

At least we know who leads us, unlike CF.

Anonymous said...

Uh no Leslie, the point is you DON'T know who leads.

CF has a clearly defined leadership.

James Harrison said...

Do you like my drawing skills?

James Harrison said...

Courtesy of Stephen Glenn

C Leslie


Anonymous said...

Oh I didn't realise this was groundbreaking news.

Here's one from 2005:

With that you could nearly count as an investigative journalist.


Were these drawn by five year olds? TTT is most unimpressed with their skills. Clearly the result of a dire socialist educational system.

Christian May

So the LibDems were off on a training day? Learning how to push false statistics, lies and smears? My favourite recent LibDem leaflet was the once that described another candidate as "a greasy haired twat." Not very 'new politics.'

The shocking thing is that these "mock leaflets" are remarkably similar to the rot that the LibDems actually pollute letter boxes with. Something about "Tory cuts" (the public want cuts, by the way) and some guff about how the other parties "can't win here." Classic.

Anonymous said...

made me smile

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